Why You Might Want a Side By Side Refrigerator Without Ice Maker Complete Guide

Struggling to decide between buying a refrigerator with and without an ice maker? If you are looking for increased storage capacity, you may want to consider a side-by-side refrigerator without an ice maker.

This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the pros and cons of this decision. Ready to learn more? Let’s dive in!

While side-by-side refrigerators with ice makers offer convenience, there are several reasons why you might want to choose a model without one.

This guide covers the advantages offered by side-by-side fridges without an ice maker, examining their size, space-saving design, energy efficiency and cost savings. It also looks at how to choose the best option for your needs and how to maintain it properly.

Whether you’re looking for a traditional style fridge with an ice maker or something more efficient, this guide can help you decide.

Definition of side by side refrigerators

Side-by-side refrigerators are named because their two doors open next to each other, rather than on top of each other. The side-by-side design allows taller items such as bottles, gallons and large deli platters to be stored easily. These fridges are usually available in medium or large sizes and generally come with an ice maker and water dispenser inside the door.

Unlike top freezer models, the food items at eye level can be accessed without bending over. Side by side refrigerators can also often accommodate larger storage capacity because the storage space reclaims what usually goes to support a freezer on top. The downsides of this configuration is that it cuts down on usable shelves for wide items like pizza boxes, deep drawer space for root vegetables, and decreased visibility into the back corners of shelves.

Explanation of the importance of refrigerators

Refrigerators are essential for maintaining fresh foods and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. The temperature in a refrigerator helps keep food from spoiling, thereby reducing the risk of food-borne illness. In addition to temperature control, most refrigerators have other features that help make food preservation easier. For example, some refrigerators has crisper drawers for fruits and vegetables to help keep them fresh longer. Most modern models also come with air filters or ionizers built into their doors to reduce odors and maintain internal humidity levels below 50%.

Refrigerators can also be helpful for organizing foods so that items needing to be used soonest are easily accessible. The external shelves often have adjustable risers or door shelves which allow storing bulky packages like milk cartons or pots/pans which do not fit elsewhere very well. Internal shelving often offers different heights and depth so larger items can fit along with items needing a cooler storage temperature. Some side-by-side refrigerators even come with in-door dispensers for both water and ice! This type of dispenser offers convenience to quickly fill glasses before meals or drinks after a hard day’s work without having to open the refrigerator doors each time.

Benefits of a Side By Side Refrigerator Without Ice Maker

Though it’s often overlooked, there are quite a few advantages of choosing a side by side refrigerator without an ice maker. Whether you desire more storage space or are looking to keep energy costs low, this type of refrigerator provides multiple benefits.

First, a side by side refrigerator without an ice maker has greater interior storage capacity. Since there is no need to include the components required for an ice maker, designers are able to allocate more space for storing food and beverages. Additionally, this design also allows you to customize shelf placement and organize the contents with more precision.

Another bonus of selecting a side by side refrigerator without an ice maker is lower electricity consumption. This type of unit tends to be extremely efficient and uses significantly less energy than many other models that include an integrated icemaker system. Finally, many people enjoy being able to access all their cold food items and beverages in one place with minimal effort—especially if they have limited counter space in their kitchen or are constantly on the go!

More storage space

A side-by-side refrigerator without an ice maker takes up less room, leaving more storage space and convenience for food items on both sides. With one extra shelf, you can easily fit all your refrigerated items in half the space while also allowing room to know what is stored inside with less fuss.

Also, food and items can be better organized since they do not need to be moved around to access the ice. This kind of refrigerator also allows for quick access to food and prevents a large gap or wasted door room that could occur when trying to fit two large sheets of ice onto a single shelf space. Additionally, the small depth leaves more countertop area around it for other amenities like a microwave or beverage cooler.

Energy savings

In addition to the convenience of a side by side refrigerator without an icemaker, these models offer the added benefit of energy savings. Ice makers require additional electricity to freeze and circulate water, so cutting one out can help reduce your monthly energy bills. That’s why some appliance manufacturers are incorporating technology like Smart Cooling systems that adjust the refrigerator’s temperature depending on usage patterns and save power as needed.

It’s worth noting that while side by side refrigerators without ice makers typically use less energy than those with an icemaker, they usually require more frequent manual defrosting since they have just one evaporator.

Lower repair and maintenance costs

Refrigerators that don’t include a built-in ice maker have the advantage of fewer moving parts to break down or require maintenance. Ice makers require a filter, and in some models even a soluble container for the water and are generally only found on side-by-side refrigerators.

Since these ice makers connect directly to your home’s water line, if anything is wrong with the unit that requires repair, it could easily become an expensive situation. Not having an ice maker will save you money in repairs year after year.

Our Top 5 Stainless Steel Refrigerators with Ice Makers | Spencer's TV &  Appliance | Phoenix, AZ

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Side By Side Refrigerator Without Ice Maker

It is important to consider several elements before purchasing a side by side refrigerator without an ice maker. While these appliances may appear similar to traditional side by sides with ice makers, they have different features that make them more or less suited for particular needs. When comparing different models, ask yourself these questions:

-What size do I need? Depending on the number of family members and space available, choose from smaller options including 24 or 30 inches wide or larger sizes such as 33 and 36 inches. Consider if you need a shallow model for easier installation in tighter spaces.

-Do I prefer American or French doors? Most side-by-side refrigerators have French-style doors that can be opened independently; however, some also include two standard American style doors. Another option is the half-French design that has two drawers mounted inside a full unit door with the refrigerator section at the top and freezer at the bottom.

-Which features are important? Consider drawers and shelves made of tempered glass versus wire grid construction; temperature control settings; Inverter technology to keep food fresher longer; adjustable shelves and drawers; cubed/crushed/filtered ice features; filter sensors to notify when replacement is needed; capacity (in cubic feet); Energy Star ratings for power efficiency; LED lighting systems for easy visibility of food items placed inside fridge section, as well as door alarm warning if left open too long.

Size and capacity

When it comes to side-by-side refrigerators, size and capacity are important considerations. Generally speaking, these fridges are narrower and shallower than other types of refrigerators, allowing them to fit into tight spaces better. These smaller sizes, however, also mean that they have less capacity than other types of refrigerators. If you’re looking for a higher capacity fridge, you may end up feeling limited by a side-by-side model. Additionally, the presence of an ice maker can add width to the unit and reduce the amount of usable space in the refrigerator section. The lack of an ice maker increases the available space in almost all side-by-side models.

Another size consideration is whether you need doors that open differently or not. Most side-by-sides have French doors at the top with two separate halves while other models have a single door that swings out from one side with a split freezer compartment on the bottom. While double French door refridgerators look more modern and typically offer more convenience when loading food items into them, single door models typically provide more storage overall in the main refrigerator section due to their design constraints.

Style and design

When it comes to style and design, side-by-side refrigerators offer a wealth of options. Ranging from sleek stainless steel finishes to classic white and black, you can find the perfect refrigerator for your home or office.

You also have the option for built-in or counter depth models, meaning that you can customize your refrigerator’s look without sacrificing features or storage space. For example, a built-in model may have adjustable shelves that are unable to fit in a counter depth model.

Additionally, many models are designed with adjustable door bins and movable drawers inside the fridge section so you can store items exactly how you want. Plus, many models even offer LED lighting in the interior of both sides of the refrigerator so you can find what you need no matter how dark it may be in your kitchen.

Durability and reliability

When it comes to side by side refrigerator without an ice maker, one of the most important considerations is the durability and reliability of the model. The construction and materials used in these products should be carefully chosen to ensure they will stand up to daily use. Options with stainless steel inner walls, robust hinges, and adjustable shelves are generally more reliable and have longer lifespans than those with less durable designs.

Additionally, purchasing from a reputable manufacturer is key; be wary of cheaper brands that may offer little or no warranty coverage for their products. Taking into account all these factors can help ensure years of reliable use without any issues or problems.

Energy efficiency

Side-by-side refrigerators without ice makers are often more energy-efficient than models with ice makers. A model without an ice maker uses less power to run and cool than a unit with an ice maker. This is primarily because the water supply that runs to the icemaker contains a thermal control unit that works together with your refrigerator’s cooling system to maintain temperatures.

With models without ice makers, this part of the cooling system won’t have to run as much, resulting in improved energy efficiency. Additionally, side-by-side refrigerators take up less space than traditional ones, meaning you can use more efficient appliances in any given kitchen space. Many side-by-side models also come with additional features like temperature control and advanced cooling technologies for even greater energy savings compared to standard units.

Refrigerator Sizes: Guide to Dimensions of Refrigerators


In conclusion, side-by-side refrigerators without an ice maker can work well for households looking to save space. This type of refrigerator offers plenty of storage space and the lack of an ice maker means the fridge doesn’t take up any additional room in your kitchen. Moreover, this type of refrigerator doesn’t require maintenance like a traditional refrigerator that has an ice maker. Additionally, most side by side refrigerators without an ice maker offer energy efficiency, making them a great choice for those who want to minimize their environmental footprint.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if a side by side refrigerator without an ice maker is the best option for you and your family.


Is it better to get a refrigerator without an ice maker?

It depends on personal preference and usage. Refrigerators without ice makers tend to be less expensive and may have more space for food storage, but they require manual ice cube trays or a separate countertop ice maker.

What is the benefit of a side-by-side refrigerator?

Side-by-side refrigerators offer more vertical storage space, making it easier to organize and access items. They also typically have water and ice dispensers on the door, providing easy access to filtered water and ice.

What is the drawback of side-by-side refrigerator?

The narrow shelves can make it difficult to store large items like pizza boxes or platters. Also, the freezer side is usually smaller than the refrigerator side, which may not be ideal for some users.

Is ice maker necessary?

No, an ice maker is not necessary, but it can be convenient to have. It depends on personal preferences and usage.

What can you do without an ice maker?

Without an ice maker, you can use manual ice cube trays or purchase a separate countertop ice maker. It’s also possible to buy bagged ice from a store.

What is the advantage of no frost refrigerator?

No frost refrigerators prevent the buildup of frost and ice, reducing the need for manual defrosting. This can save time and effort in maintaining the refrigerator.

Do refrigerators with ice makers use more energy?

Refrigerators with ice makers typically use slightly more energy than those without, due to the added components required for the ice maker and water dispenser. However, the difference in energy usage is generally small.

Why do refrigerators not have ice makers?

Some refrigerators do not have ice makers to keep the cost and energy usage lower, as well as to create more storage space for food. Additionally, some users may not use the ice maker enough to justify the added cost.

Does fridge without ice maker need water line?

A refrigerator without an ice maker does not need a water line. However, if the refrigerator has a water dispenser, it will require a water line to provide the water.

Which is better no frost or frost refrigerator?

A no frost refrigerator is generally considered better because it does not require manual defrosting, which can be time-consuming and messy. However, they tend to be more expensive and may use slightly more energy than a frost refrigerator.

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