Tips for Organizing Your Side By Side Refrigerator Complete Guide

Tired of struggling with crammed up food and beverages in your side by side refrigerator? You can easily get rid of the mess and make organizing a lot easier with these expert tips.

Learn how to identify the best storage containers, create more space, and maintain a neat fridge. Get ready to simplify the way you store food!

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on organizing a side-by-side refrigerator. This type of refrigerator offers more storage flexibility than top and bottom models, but it can be challenging to keep it organized. This guide offers tips for organizing a side-by-side refrigerator in an effective and efficient manner.

Whether you are purchasing a new side-by-side fridge or reorganizing an existing one, understanding the anatomy of your model and what types of items belong in the different sections helps ensure that the food stays fresh, safe, and easy to find. In this guide, you’ll learn how to maximize your storage space and create an efficient system for keeping your foods conveniently stored in their designated compartments.

Explanation of what a side by side refrigerator is

A side-by-side refrigerator is a style of refrigerator with a section for the freezer running alongside an additional section devoted solely to refrigeration. In general, they usually offer larger overall storage capacity than other styles such as top/bottom and compact refrigerators. Additionally, side by side units can feature filtered water and ice dispensers, additionally allowing for greater convenience. Side by side models are typically available in widths from 36″ to 48″, though other widths are not unheard of.

When it comes to organizing your side by side refrigerator, the trick is making sure you can easily access all items when needed, as well as finding the best place for each item so that moisture lost from thawing or defrosted food does not build up and create an unpleasant stench in the appliance.


Importance of organizing your refrigerator

Organizing your refrigerator is an important part of keeping your food fresher for longer. Keeping track of what you have in your refrigerator and where it is located will save time and energy when cooking meals and help make sure nothing goes to waste. Not only that, but it also makes it easier to check expiration dates, quickly spot items that need to be replenished, and take inventory of what’s currently in the fridge. With proper organization, you can easily identify which foods need your immediate attention before they expire—helping reduce food wastefulness.

When organizing a side-by-side refrigerator there are many things to consider such as placement of shelves, SmartZone™ drawers, door storage areas and any specialty freezer drawers like Glide N’ Serve™ drawers. Each area has its own advantages – providing specific solutions based on the type of food being stored inside. The shelves provide an open area for easy access to larger items like pizza boxes or popcorns bags; while the Glide N’ Serve™ drawer is ideal for storing frozen meats or ice cream containers due to its shallow depth and extra room between draws for more efficient cold air circulation.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Maintaining and cleaning your side by side refrigerator will help keep it running efficiently. Regular maintenance is the key to keeping your appliance in good condition, and it’s important to clean both the interior and exterior of the unit regularly. Here are some tips for you to follow when performing maintenance on your refrigerator.

Interior: -Dust off condenser coils every six months using a soft bristled brush or vacuum cleaner to ensure proper airflow. -Clean the interior with mild soap and water, then rinse with water. -Check door seals for cracks or tears that can impact performance, repair if necessary. -Check drain pan and condensate lines for blockages, which can cause efficiency issues. -Check gaskets for wear and tear every six months, replace if necessary.

Exterior: -Clean close contact points such as hinges, doors, handles, locks and latches with mild soap and water every few months. -Wipe up any spills immediately as even small droplets can cause rusting over time. -Inspect casters (wheels) for wear or scraping of flooring every few months; replace if necessary. -Check door handles regularly to ensure they are in good shape; clean additional adhesives that may accumulate near entranceways periodically – not only will this help maintain a neat appearance but it will also help ensure that the door closes securely when shut – an important factor in maintaining temperatures inside your unit!

How to clean the exterior and interior of the refrigerator

To maximize the storage capabilities of your side-by-side refrigerator, you must keep it clean and organized. The exterior and interior of the appliance need to be kept spotless. Here are some tips on cleaning both the exterior and interior of your side-by-side refrigerator:

Exterior Cleaning:
– Wipe down with a damp cloth or sponge to remove spills and crumbs from shelves, drawers and door linings.
– Clean off fingerprints using mild soap and water.
– Newer models often have stainless steel finishes that require different cleaning solutions and polishes for a clear shine.
– Follow manufacturers instructions for proper care on the exterior surfaces of the fridge such as doors, handles and linings.

Interior Cleaning:
– Regularly dispose of expired items to reduce odor buildup in your fridge.
– Remove all shelves, drawers and bins for a thorough clean; scrub them off with lukewarm soapy water then rinse them clean with hot water to sanitize.
– Use baking soda paste or undiluted white vinegar to remove stubborn spots on walls or shelving materials; gently scrape them off with a sponge or cloth that won’t damage material surface.
– Use equal parts white vinegar mixed with warm water in a spray bottle every few weeks to keep odors at bay throughout the year.

How to maintain the proper temperature

It is essential to maintain the correct temperature inside your side by side refrigerator in order to keep food safe and prevent spoilage. Most refrigerators are designed to run at temperatures between 35° – 40°F (2°– 4°C). Setting your refrigerator too cold will cause food to freeze; setting it too warm can cause bacteria growth in foods and potentially lead to illness.

When organizing your refrigerator, you should create separate areas for different types of food with appropriate temperature control settings. Place dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and butter in the top section, as it is typically colder than the lower sections due to its proximity to the freezer. The lower sections tend be less cold than direct access models but should still be cool enough for vegetables and fruits.

You should also avoid overcrowding your fridge by leaving enough room so that air and odors can circulate freely, which will help prevent flavor transfer of strong-smelling foods (such as garlic) from one item to another. If necessary, organize items into baskets or containers so that food remains fresh and easy to access. Additionally, you may want to consider investing in a separate thermometer for monitoring the temperature of specific food items or keeping door shelves clear or flimsy plastic bags away from heating elements within the appliance itself. These steps will help keep sure your side by side refrigerator is running optimally while maintaining proper temperatures at all times!

Regular maintenance checks

It is important to keep up with regular maintenance checks in order to ensure that your side-by-side refrigerator is running at peak efficiency. This not only increases the life of your refrigerator, but also helps reduce utility bills. Here are some tips to follow when performing regular maintenance checks:

  • Check the door seals and gaskets – Make sure the gaskets are properly sealed without any air leaks or breaks. If you notice any damage or worn out parts, it is important to replace them immediately.
  • Clean the condenser coils – Over time, condenser coils can accumulate dirt and dust that can make your fridge work less efficiently and cost you more in energy bills than necessary. Make sure that you clean the condenser coils on a monthly basis.
  • Vacuum out air vents – As air circulates through your unit’s ventilation system, debris can build up over time; it is essential to vacuum out these vents periodically in order to ensure proper airflow through the refrigerator.
  • Refrigerant levels – checking levels of refrigerant and adding more if necessary ensures electricity conservation and better cooling performance.
  • Check temperature settings – making sure temperatures are correctly set helps maintain food freshness.

How to Organize a Refrigerator in 13 Quick Steps | KitchenAid


When you have a side by side refrigerator, it is important to pay attention to any issues that may arise with your appliance so you can keep it running efficiently and minimize electricity costs. A few common problems with these types of refrigerators are discussed below.

One potential issue is frost formation in the refrigerator compartment. This can reduce airflow and increase energy costs. To help solve this problem, check the condenser for proper ventilation and make sure the door seals are not worn or cracked. If needed, replace them with new parts from your manufacturer. It’s also a good idea to regularly clean the condenser coils as dust build-up can impact its performance.

If you notice a drop in cooling efficiency or peculiar smells coming from inside the appliance, it could be due to a dirty evaporator fan motor or condenser fan motor. Unplug your refrigerator and vacuum any dirt or dirt build-up that is visible near those components before replacing them if necessary. Additionally, if noise becomes an issue, try repositioning the shelves and bins inside your unit since incorrect shelving can cause rattling and other loud noises when items shift around while in transit or during use.

Finally, if you experience ice buildup on the walls of your freezer compartment, it may indicate that either the defrost cycle is not functioning properly or that there are insufficient drainage points for melting ice to pass through on its way out of the machine. Check all connections on both sides of the unit to ensure everything is properly in place, then periodically empty and wipe down any existing drainage points before refilling it with food items again.

Common problems with side by side refrigerators

Many of the organizational problems encountered with side by side refrigerators stem from its lack of adjustable shelves. Side by side models have shelving and door storage that are fixed in place, making it difficult to customize and maximize all the available space in your fridge. Additionally, many of these refrigerators have a lot of unusable “dead space” near their corners. This dead space limits the door’s ability to open correctly and restricts how much food can be stored both on the shelves and in the crisper drawers.

Fortunately, there are several simple solutions to these common problems:

  • Add drawer separators or additional flat shelving units to help organize small items like condiments and snacks
  • Maximize your vertical space by utilizing a special refrigerator rack system. This type of organization tool allows you to stack items vertically so you can pack more items into your fridge without compromising shelf stability or functionality
  • Install a “lazy Susan” style turntable into the top corner shelf. This will make it easier to access items at the back without having to move everything around.
  • Take advantage of door compartments. Store bottles of juice, cans, yogurts and small boxes on the door if space permits
  • Invest in specialty refrigerator bins that fit conveniently over refrigerator shelves for storing larger items such as produce

Tips for troubleshooting and fixing issues

Sometimes a side-by-side fridge can start to show signs of not functioning correctly. Identifying these indicators and acting fast on repairs can save you time and money, so understanding a few troubleshooting tips is essential. Here are some common issues and solutions that may help an owner troubleshoot any problems they are having with their side-by-side refrigerator.

Issue: Refrigerator is not cold enough
Solution: Check the thermostat settings and make sure the fridge isn’t set to “warm” or “defrost.” Clean the condenser coils on rear of the appliance with a vacuum cleaner and check for any obstructions in vents. If all these fail, it may be time to call a professional or replace the thermostat if needed.

Issue: Water leakage from inside the fridge
Solution: Check gaskets around refrigerator door, as well as between freezer and fresh food compartments — these can become worn out over time and cause water leakage. Tighten loose hinges or replace gaskets/doors if necessary. Also check interior walls of fridge for debris, which can block drainage holes and cause pools of water in compartments.

Issue: Icemaker problems
Solution: Clean off dust, dirt, lint or any other blockages on exterior visible surfaces of unit (check air filters too). Next check ice trays for mold or dirt buildup; if needed clean off thoroughly with hot soapy water then rinse well. Check ice maker units for frayed wires which could cause malfunctions — unplug from power source then examine wiring carefully before plugging back in “on” position.

How to Organize a Side-by-Side Refrigerator | Maytag


Organizing your side by side refrigerator requires a methodical approach and persistence. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can achieve a neat and orderly refrigerator that will make it easier to locate what you need.

Before loading up the shelves with groceries and leftovers, take time to group items together and discard items that have expired. Start at the top of your refrigerator with tall items and work your way down to shorter items. Place like items together and use appropriate containers for ease of organization.

Finally, establish healthy meal-making habits by always having fresh groceries on hand, stocking up on no-cook convenience foods for snacks, meal components, and garnishes for quick meals throughout the week. With these tips in mind, you can keep your side by side refrigerator clutter free and enjoy easy access to everything inside.


How do you arrange a side by side refrigerator? 

Arrange the food items according to their category and adjust the shelves according to their height.

How do you organize a counter depth side by side refrigerator? 

Organize the food items by category and use clear bins to store the similar food items together.

How do you organize a split fridge? 

Organize the fridge into zones for different categories of food items, such as dairy, vegetables, and meat.

How do you organize a double door refrigerator? 

Use clear bins and containers to store similar food items together and organize food items by category.

How do I layout my fridge? 

Layout your fridge by organizing the food items according to their category and using clear bins to store similar food items together.

How should you layout your fridge? 

Layout your fridge by organizing the food items according to their category and using clear bins to store similar food items together.

Which direction should refrigerator face? 

The refrigerator should face the direction that is most convenient for the user, usually facing the kitchen or dining area.

Why side by side refrigerator is best? 

Side by side refrigerators provide easy access to both the freezer and the refrigerator sections and can fit into smaller spaces than other types of refrigerators.

How much space should be on each side of a refrigerator? 

There should be at least 1 inch of space on each side of the refrigerator to allow for proper air circulation.

Does a fridge need space each side? 

Yes, a fridge needs space on each side to allow for proper air circulation and prevent overheating.

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