Comparing Energy Efficiency of Different Side By Side Refrigerators Complete Guide

As a responsible consumer, you’re looking for a refrigerator that is energy efficient. But how do you decide which one to choose?

This guide will help you compare the different energy efficiency options available in side by side refrigerators so you can make the right decision. Ready to learn more? Let’s get started!

The efficiency of side-by-side refrigerators has become a major factor in selecting the best appliance for your home. No longer are the days when size and capacity were the primary considerations, but with ever increasing costs for utilities, it is important to also consider how much energy an appliance uses.

In this guide, we will compare side by side refrigerators from top manufacturers to help you determine which model best suits your needs. We’ll also look at the benefits and drawbacks of each type, so you can make an informed decision. Finally, we’ll discuss energy saving tips to maximize efficiency once you’ve purchased your refrigerator.

Definition of Side by Side Refrigerators

Side by side refrigerators are highly sought after due to their convenience and superior energy efficiency. They feature two separate compartments, one fresh food compartment and one freezer unit, that offer plenty of storage space.

These fridges are designed with innovative technologies for efficient cooling and optimized temperature balance that work together to enhance their efficiency rating. Additionally, they offer adjustable shelves, removable bins, and fast-freezing technologies that help them maintain optimal temperatures while keeping their electricity consumption to a minimum.

With all these advanced features, side by side refrigerators offer an ideal storage solution that is both energy-efficient and user-friendly.

Importance of energy efficiency in refrigerators

Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important with the rise in electricity costs and the growing concerns over sustainability. Refrigerators are one of the largest energy consumers in a household and having an energy efficient appliance can help make a real difference to your electricity bills. Knowing how to compare different units for their energy efficiency will also have a positive environmental impact.

When selecting a new fridge, key factors such as size, capacity and style can be used to make sure it fits into your home. These are important considerations but most people don’t give greater weight to the energy rating of their choices. It’s critical that you compare similar side by side models accurately when shopping because they often vary greatly in terms of their energy use and efficiency ratings. This guide looks at how various types of refrigerators differ in terms of their power use, which ultimately affects how much money you will save on electricity costs over time.

It’s worth noting that style should not take precedence over features like overall efficiency when choosing your refrigerator model; consider the following characteristics to identify more efficient models:

  • Overall Energy consumption :Look for star labels (AEEC) with higher star ratings indicating increased efficiency
  • Refrigeration Type:Choose between compressive or absorption based systems with absorption fridges being more efficient than conventional systems
  • Multi Zone Feature: Available on some top end models this allows for greater customization of storage zones there by reducing cooling waste

Factors affecting energy efficiency in refrigerators

The energy efficiency of a refrigerator largely depends on how well it’s insulated, how big it is, the age and condition of its motor, and some other aspects, such as its location. There are also many available energy-efficient refrigerators on the market today that feature modern technology to keep your food fresh and conserve electricity.

By understanding all the factors that affect energy efficiency in refrigerators, you can make more informed decisions about which model to get for your household. Insulation plays a huge role in the overall efficiency of a refrigerator. The thicker the insulation and fewer air gaps there are between panels, the better. A non-insulated refrigerator will have poor efficiency because cold air from within will constantly leak out due to heat transfer from outside temperatures in summer or wintertime.

The size of a refrigerator also has an effect on its energy efficiency; bigger size requires more power to keep its temperature stable compared to smaller units that use less energy but may not fit all your food storage needs. Besides size and insulation, you should also consider factors like the age and condition of any motors used inside the appliance; an older motor may not be able to generate sufficient frost-free cooling needed for storage at optimum conditions anymore compared to newer motors with better temperature adjustment capabilities.

To maximize energy savings without compromising food safety, look into getting a new model with advanced features such as LED lighting or connected capability so you can monitor it remotely if need be.


An insulated side by side refrigerator can be a great way to save energy, as well as keep your food and drinks at the optimal temperature. Different models of insulation will be given different energy ratings, so it’s important to consider what the model you are purchasing has for an insulation rating. Here are some of the most common types of insulation available in side by side refrigerators today.

Fiberglas – Fiberglas is commonly used in home insulation, and is also sometimes used in refrigerator models because it is a cost-effective option. It offers good thermal resistance, but may not provide the best thermal protection available today.

Expanded Polystyrene – This type of insulation consists of small beads that are expanded and bound together with an adhesive. It provides good thermal protection and tends to be one of the more expensive insulating options available today.

Cellulose – Cellulose consists of recycled paper material that has been treated with fire retardant materials which make it resistant to water absorption, mold and mildew growth, and fire hazards. Compared with other types of insulation materials, cellulose may offer superior performance in terms of thermal resistance when properly installed, but can also be one of the more expensive insulating options available today.

Foam Board – Foam board consists of several layers that are bonded together with adhesives for strength and durability. Foam board is extremely lightweight yet provides excellent sound and temperature control properties when correctly installed on a refrigerator model. However, proper installation must be done correctly for this product to provide effective results.

Polystyrene – This type of insulation contains plastic polymer particles which form an air-tight seal within each layer making it impossible for air leakage or condensation build up to occur between layers within a refrigerator unit which can help reduce energy consumption by keeping cold air inside longer rather than escaping through outside openings or cracks between layers within the unit walls or ceilings.

Compressor efficiency

Compared to traditional refrigerators, side-by-side models provide a uniquely efficient way to organize and store food. The increased efficiency of side-by-side models is due to the positioning of the refrigerator and freezer sections within their own separate compartments. This separation allows for the two compartments to be insulated with greater precision than standard refrigerator models.

Another way side-by-side refrigerators are more energy efficient is by utilizing unique compressor designs. Compressors run 24/7, and minimize energy waste by allowing them to cool food faster, yet quieter than traditional compressors. Since they use less power but still cool at optimal temperatures, they’re an ideal choice for any energy conscious consumer who wants both convenience and low utility costs at the same time.

The differing compressor sizes and styles can result in varying efficiencies between different manufacturers’ products. One common type of refrigerator compressor employs an innovative dual evaporator system which allows for independent temperature control in each compartment with distinct air vents for each section as well. This resulting two air flow circulatory pattern helps improve overall temperatures within both sections while easily maintaining desired temperatures without running excessively or utilizing a less efficient single flow system which must contend with warmer effected areas in multiple compartments on its own.

The main advantages of this double evaporation system, besides the efficiency provided by cooling items quickly is that it also reduces condensation from one area feeding into another, keeps odor from blending together between storage areas and can even reduce audible noise levels associated with running refrigerators due to its lack of reliance on a single stream solenoid valve over multiple stations or amenities like ice makers as part of a combination valve assembly where more noise would result from simultaneous opening/closing processes not seen here in this advanced model design layout.

Door seals

The door seals of a refrigerator are imperative for optimizing the energy efficiency. An airtight seal between the door and refrigerator body prevents warm air from entering and cold air from exiting the appliance. If this seal deteriorates, energy is wasted as your refrigerator works harder to maintain lower temperatures, leading to increased electricity usage and costs.

To determine if a door seal is still in good condition, look for signs of cracking or tears and close the door on a sheet of paper. If you can easily pull out the paper while it’s closed in the door, it means that oxygen particles are seeping in through the seal’s cracks. Finally, check if your doorstep moves independently — this usually indicates weakened joints or hinges which will allow warm air through as well.

By following these simple steps when looking at different side-by-side refrigerators you can identify brands with strong seals that provide maximum efficiency and savings!

Guide to Side by Side Refrigerators

Thermostat controls

Thermostat controls allow you to set the temperature and regulate it accordingly. Refrigerators with thermostat controls come in both manual and digital models. Manual models are generally less expensive, but digital ones may have more advanced features such as energy-saving settings.

The lower the temperature setting, the higher the energy efficiency of a refrigerator. However, be sure to set a temperature that’s low enough to maintain food safety in your refrigerator; most food should be stored at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Energy efficiency ratings and certifications

The terms energy efficiency and environmental performance are often used interchangeably when shopping for appliances, yet they are two distinct concepts. Energy efficiency means using a product that requires less energy to operate; this reduces your energy usage and your energy bill over time. Environmental performance is about how (or whether) the manufacturing or operating of the product affects the environment, including things like greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and other pollutants.

When it comes to appliances, the most common way of measuring energy efficiency is through ratings from independent organizations like Energy Star or other certification bodies such as EcoLogic or GreenGuard. Refrigerators are labeled with an estimated annual operating cost based on standard energy use and local utility rates; this includes all electricity costs for running the refrigerator. You can also find information about refrigeration size, type of insulation (what keeps cold air in) and a compressor type rating that indicates durability—all which factor into annual operating costs. In addition to their main rating system, Energy Star offers additional certifications based on specific technologies like solar power or low emission models so you can choose what is right for you and your budget while still making an eco-friendly choice. As always be sure to compare these ratings when shopping so you buy the most efficient appliance possible without compromising on quality.

ENERGY STAR certification

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a program known as the ENERGY STAR certification program that recognizes consumer products that meet specific energy efficiency criteria. ENERGY STAR certified products use between 10 and 50 percent less energy than non-certified alternatives, and in the case of home appliances like refrigerators, that results in annual energy savings for consumers.

When researching different refrigerators, look for the telltale blue label showing the ENERGY STAR certification to identify those that have passed stringent testing for energy efficiency. Factors assessed for side-by-side refrigerator models include their overall design, insulation parameters, compressor operation and door sealing systems.

Notable features of an ENERGY STAR certified side-by-side refrigerator include temperature sensing door openers to reduce air leakage, high density insulation interior walls and doors with tight gaskets to reduce air loss and advanced control systems with options specific to food items or climates.

EnerGuide rating

The EnerGuide rating is the standard used by Natural Resources Canada and other organizations to compare the energy efficiency of household appliances. When shopping for a refrigerator, look for the EnerGuide label that is placed on each appliance; this number represents how much energy your unit will use annually. This is an important factor to consider since an appliance’s energy use adds up over time, and energy efficient models can save you money in the long run. Once you make a selection, take some time to understand the various types of efficiency ratings so that you can choose a model with a good rating for your needs.

When it comes to side by side refrigerators, there are two categories of ratings from highest to lowest:

  • Tier 1: This refrigerator uses at least 15% less energy than the national minimum standards set forth by Energy Star.
  • Tier 2: These refrigerators do not meet all of the requirements for Tier 1, but they still meet or exceed Energy Star standards.

The higher tier rating indicates more efficient performance and may mean lower utility bills as well as lower emissions of carbon dioxide compared to standard models on the market today. Be sure to check both tiers when comparing side-by-side refrigerators, as many manufacturers offer both types so you can find one that meets your individual needs while still minimizing your environmental footprint!

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When it comes to purchasing a new refrigerator, energy efficiency should be considered in the decision process. Side-by-side refrigerators may provide more convenient storage options than top-freezer models and can save energy when used properly. Comparing different models of side-by-side refrigerators on the market can guide you to the best purchase for your home.

The capacity of a side by side refrigerator should not be overlooked as well. When considering capacity keep in mind whether you will be stocking both sides of the fridge and if that is necessary how large a model you need both to fit your food within your budget and preserve necessary items while avoiding food waste.

By comparing numerous models and studying the labels, consumers are more likely to make an educated decision when purchasing a new side-by-side refrigerator that is both economical and appropriate for their needs. This guide has provided careful consideration on sizing, features, doors, mechanisms, temperature control systems and efficient energy use when looking for limited space options in cold storage appliances.


Which side-by-side refrigerator consumes less electricity?

The energy consumption of a side-by-side refrigerator depends on various factors such as size, model, brand, and features. Generally, models with Energy Star certification consume less electricity.

Which style of refrigerator is the most energy efficient?

Top freezer refrigerators are typically the most energy-efficient refrigerator style because they require less energy to maintain the desired temperature.

Are side by side refrigerators more energy efficient?

Side-by-side refrigerators are generally less energy-efficient than top freezer refrigerators. However, newer models with Energy Star certification can be more efficient.

Which is the best side by side fridge?

The “best” side-by-side fridge would depend on individual needs and preferences. Some popular and highly-rated brands include Samsung, LG, and Whirlpool.

Which brand makes the best side-by-side refrigerator?

There are several reputable brands that make high-quality side-by-side refrigerators, including Samsung, LG, Whirlpool, and GE.

How much electricity does a side-by-side fridge use?

The electricity usage of a side-by-side fridge varies depending on factors such as size, model, and usage habits. On average, a side-by-side refrigerator uses around 1 kilowatt-hour per day.

How much electricity does a Samsung side-by-side refrigerator use?

The electricity usage of a Samsung side-by-side refrigerator can vary depending on the model and size. However, most Samsung side-by-side refrigerators are Energy Star certified and use an average of 709 kilowatt-hours per year.

Which company fridge consumes less electricity?

Several companies make energy-efficient refrigerators, including Samsung, LG, Whirlpool, and GE. Look for refrigerators with Energy Star certification to ensure lower energy consumption.

Does a double door fridge consume more electricity?

The electricity usage of a double-door fridge varies depending on factors such as size and model. Generally, double-door refrigerators are less energy-efficient than top freezer refrigerators but may be more efficient than side-by-side refrigerators.

Which fridge is better, double door or side by side?

The choice between a double-door fridge and a side-by-side fridge depends on individual needs and preferences. Double-door refrigerators typically have more storage space and are more energy-efficient, while side-by-side refrigerators have a more convenient layout for accessing food and beverages.

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