Side By Side Refrigerator 33 Inches Wide: Is it Enough Space? Complete Guide

Are you debating on whether a 33 inches wide side-by-side refrigerator is the right choice for your home? You needn’t worry – this guide will help you decide!

We’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of this appliance, giving you all the information needed to make an informed decision.

When looking for a new refrigerator, size is one of the key considerations to take into account. Side by side refrigerators offer an efficient way to store food and beverages with both compartments along the same side, stretching between 33 to 36 inches in width.

As more homes feature open-concept living, limited space can lead to space constraints when shopping for a refrigerator. Knowing how much room you have available is key in finding the right fit for your kitchen space; so if you have a smaller kitchen, a 33 inch wide side by side refrigerator could be a good option for you.

In this guide we will explore what benefits and capabilities those looking for space savings may gain from opting for a 33 inch wide side-by-side refrigerator as opposed to their larger counterparts.

Explanation of side by side refrigerator

Side by side refrigerators offer a more efficient storage design than traditional top/bottom fridge segments, as they are designed to provide easier access to cold items. The wide finish of the door and drawers gives you clear access to all of your food and drinks, while maintaining a more low-profile design that allows you to maximize your kitchen space.

These refrigerators typically measure 33 inches wide, 24 inches deep inside the cabinet, and about 68 inches tall without a finished top or an extended height door – making them wider than a traditional refrigerator but shorter in height. Inside capacity size ranges from around 18-30 cubic feet depending on the make and model; this means there can be quite a large amount of storage capacity even within the standard 33-inch frame.

Another advantage of a side by side refrigerator is that there is often fresh food availability near eye level on both sides of the fridge compartment – so it’s easy to grab what you need without having to reach down into the rear or interior shelves. This also makes for great accessibility for those who are with limited mobility, as much of what is accessed on daily basis will be at an easier-to-reach level.

In addition, many side by sides have adjustable temperature control panels located at an easily accessible level near the top – making it easy for you to change settings such as refrigerator temperature or freezer temperatures quickly from one central location.

Importance of having enough space in a refrigerator

When it comes to refrigerators, size matters. If your home doesn’t offer enough space for a larger refrigerator or it is not feasible to buy a bigger fridge, then you may opt for a side by side refrigerator with 33 inches width. It is important to ensure that the size of the refrigerator matches the number of people living in your household and the amount of items you typically keep in your fridge.

It is important to make sure that you have sufficient storage space within 33 inches width side by side fridge so that all items can fit securely without compromising food safety and proper cooling. A few cubic feet can make or break whether certain items will fit in or require reorganizing every time new grocery items are added. Additionally, if there isn’t enough space within this smaller sized refrigerators, you may need to reconsider whether this type of model is suitable for your needs since it might not be able to accommodate all necessary food and frozen items.

For those that prefer keeping large containers of foods in their refrigerators such as gallons of milk, condiments, pre-prepared meals and containers full of leftovers should make sure they check if any full-sized container will fit before making a purchase decision. Refrigerator storage compartments also need to be taken into account such as certain wider door shelves, crisper drawers and shelving configuration inside the refrigerator that can also add up when attempting determine how much space is available overall.

In summary, deciding on whether a 33-inches wide side by side refrigerator will offer enough storage space for your family’s needs depends greatly on lifestyle preferences when selecting what grocery items need to be stored in the refrigerator each week and monthly basis as well as needed configurations for any special circumstances such as grabbing-and-go work lunches etc. Checking available dimensions carefully before making a purchase decision could save on frustration from purchasing too small of an item down the line when needing additional capacity from what was originally budgeted.

Features of 33 Inches Wide Side by Side Refrigerator

When looking for a refrigerator that can comfortably fit into smaller kitchens, a 33 inches wide side by side refrigerator is worth considering. They provide outstanding cooling performance and are usually available in different fitted sizes. Below are the key features that come with these refrigerators:

  1. Door Space: The doors on either side of the 33 inches wide refrigerator provide added storage convenience and space-saving option. A standard size 13 cubic feet model includes adjustable shelves as well as humidity controlled drawers and shelves within the door. This will make it easy to store larger items like gallon jugs of juice or milk.
  2. Adjustable Shelves: The adjustable shelves help you organize your food conveniently inside the refrigerator with easy access to each item when needed. It is simple to move the shelves up or down according to your need, making it much more convenient compared to fixed shelves of a normal size refrigerator.
  3. Space-Saving Features: Most models are designed with excellent space-saving features such as recessed handles, flexible door bins and drawers making them ideal for smaller spaces or during entertaining activities when extra space is essential for fitting in bigger dishes like casseroles and big bottles of wine among other things.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Technology advancements on standardized models have made 33 inch side by side refrigerators energy efficient hence saving money on energy costs substantially compared to their larger counterparts .Moreover, some models feature ENERGY STAR rating for compliance with environmental standards; this could help qualify you for rebate programs from your local utility providers if available in your area .

Overview of the dimensions

Measuring a side by side 33-inch refrigerators for your kitchen can be a daunting task. While 33 inches of width may seem like plenty of space for all of your groceries, it’s important to consider the full dimensions before buying a refrigerator. To help you make your decision, we’ve put together an overview of the dimensions and considerations that should be taken into account when evaluating if a 33-inch wide side by side refrigerator is right for you.

When measuring the width, depth, and height of the refrigerator, keep in mind that these are all nominal measurements and include any handles or other decorative features that may be attached to the doors or bottom. The actual usable cabinet space inside will be slightly less than this overall size depending on how far any interior shelving is set back from the edge of the refrigerator.

Typically, when measuring actual usable space, a 33 inch Side by Side Refrigerator will have approximately 16.5 cubic feet total capacity with 6 cubic feet capacity in each of its two compartments . The total nominal measurements across all sides are actually closer to 30 inches wide x 30 inches deep x 66 inches high (76 cm x 76 cm x 168 cm). As these measurements indicate, convenience and ability to fit items above or beside the fridge could also depend on where you plan to place it in your kitchen and how much additional storage room exists nearby.


Comparison with other sizes of refrigerators

When shopping for a new refrigerator, determining the amount of space you have for it is an important factor. But what exactly does 33 inches of space mean when it comes to side-by-side refrigerators? Knowing the difference between other sizes will help you not only determine if a 33 inch refrigerator will fit in your space, but also if it will meet your needs.

To compare, standard full size refrigerators range from 28 to 32 inches wide. The 33-inch refrigerator has more storage capacity than a traditional full size refrigerator and is considered a “mid-sized” option between standard height refrigerators and tall or counter depth varieties. At 33 inches wide and just under 71 inches high, this type of refrigerator generally provides enough space to accommodate most families’ needs.

A 33 inch freezer can be expected to hold around 20 bags of frozen vegetables or equivalent items. On the other hand, larger units such as french door or side by side varieties can hold upwards of 30 bags of frozen vegetables or equivalent items. This additional space may be beneficial for larger families who tend to purchase food in bulk or store leftovers frequently.

When considering capacity, however, there are many factors beyond actual size that must be taken into account such as features like adjustable shelves and drawers (as well as door storage for items like condiments and other cold beverages). In addition, space inside your home is also something to consider since wider models are more likely to require deeper countertops where they can rest safely from becoming a tripping hazard. Additionally, some features that come with larger models (ice makers) may not be available on smaller ones. Therefore, it is important to factor both convenience and safety when comparing different sizes before making an informed purchase decision.

Refrigerator Sizes: Guide to Dimensions of Refrigerators

Storage Capacity of 33 Inches Wide Side by Side Refrigerator

When considering a 33″ wide side-by-side refrigerator, careful thought should be given to how much storage space is available. Fortunately, modern style refrigerators have convenient configurations that can help the storage of food items of all types and sizes.

In a 33″ wide fridge, the average storage capacity is 27 cubic feet (cu. ft.) which can include 7 to 8 shelves and bins; some shelves being adjustable in height for added convenience. There will also be a chilled drawer for deli items plus bins designed for eggs, cheese and other perishable items as well as designated freezer bins for ice cream and other frozen goods.

Moreover, dynamic shelving systems may provide additional space that can be moved from side to side depending on what you need stored at any given time. The massive size of such fridges can comfortably fit full platters, trays and bowls with ease adding even more options when it comes to effortless food storage solutions for your home kitchen. Furthermore, 33” wide models come equip with humidity controlled crispers to help preserve produce at its optimum condition. With all these potential additional storage options available on 33” fridges; it really should nothing short of amazing!

Explanation of storage capacity

When shopping for a side-by-side refrigerator, it’s important to have an understanding of the storage capacity. Fortunately, most side-by-side refrigerators come in 33 inches width which offers sufficient storage space for a small to mid-sized family. Knowing what this size can accommodate will help you decide if the refrigerator is large enough for your needs.

Generally speaking, the cubic footage of 33 inches wide side-by-sides ranges from 18 Total Cubic Feet – 22 Total Cubic Feet (TCF). Depending on the individual model, there is usually 8 to 10 cubic feet of space in the freezer section and 8 to 12 cubic feet of fridge space.

Freezers can typically store around five full bags of food, depending on how much filling is used in them. Refrigerators are able to store anywhere between five and seven full grocery bags — again depending on what’s being put inside each bag. This size range is suitable for 2 to 4 people depending on their eating habits.

For larger families or households with bigger appetites, something at least 35 inches or wider might be better — but that isn’t always possible if you’re dealing with tight kitchen quarters.

How to measure the storage capacity of a refrigerator

Purchasing a new refrigerator can be a challenge, especially when it comes to selecting one that will provide enough space for your family. If you’re looking for a side-by-side refrigerator that is 33 inches wide, or narrower than the average 36 inches wide, then measuring the storage capacity is a must. There are a few easy steps you can take in order to determine whether this size is adequate for your needs.

  1. Check out the shelves of the refrigerator: Look and see if all of the needed shelves are present and measure the distance between them to make sure any items you plan to store will fit in.
  2. Determine how much depth and height of storage space is available in both sections: Take into consideration any door bins as well and if they’ll meet your requirements.
  3. See how many different items can fit in both sections: Once you know what needs to be stored and what shelves will be used, measure available space so that you’ll have an idea of how many items it can hold at once (for example, if there are two shelves with 10 inches each of depth, twenty items could fit; this becomes more important when considering foods that need plenty of airflow).
  4. Pay attention to handles and door clearance: Any protruding handles or door problems may actually reduce overall storage capacity significantly so make sure to factor those into measurements as well.

By following these steps, determining whether 33-inch side-by-side refrigerators have enough capacity for your needs should become much easier!

Refrigerator Sizes: How to Measure Fridge Dimensions | Whirlpool


In conclusion, side by side refrigerators come in a variety of widths, including those that are 33 inches wide. If your space is tight and you want the convenience of having both the refrigerator and freezer on the same side of your kitchen, then a 33 inch wide model may be right for you. Be aware that if you are storing large items like platters or large trays, then you will likely have to store them lengthwise as opposed to width wise as with larger fridges.

Additionally, most models offer adjustable shelves and drawers which provide flexibility to meet storage needs. Therefore it is possible for a 33 inch wide model to provide enough storage space for an average family’s needs due to its convenience and versatility.


How much space do you need for a side-by-side refrigerator?

 Side-by-side refrigerators typically require a width of 32 to 36 inches, a depth of 25 to 30 inches, and a height of 68 to 69 inches.

Do side-by-side refrigerators have less room? 

Side-by-side refrigerators typically have less space in the freezer section, but more space in the refrigerator section compared to other types of refrigerators.

How wide should my fridge space be? 

The width of the fridge space should be at least 2 inches wider than the refrigerator itself to allow for proper ventilation.

Do I need a gap around my fridge? 

Yes, it is important to have a gap of at least 1 inch around the refrigerator to ensure proper air circulation and prevent overheating.

How much space do you need for a 36 inch refrigerator? 

For a 36 inch refrigerator, you will need a space that is at least 38 inches wide, 31 inches deep, and 70 inches high.

How do you maximize space in a side by side freezer? 

You can maximize space in a side-by-side freezer by using organizers, such as baskets and dividers, and by arranging items in a way that maximizes the use of available space.

How much gap do you need around a fridge? 

You should leave a gap of at least 1 inch around the fridge to allow for proper air circulation and prevent overheating.

Do side-by-side fridges hold more? 

Side-by-side refrigerators typically have more space in the refrigerator section, but less space in the freezer section compared to other types of refrigerators.

What size refrigerator for a family of 4? 

A refrigerator with a capacity of 18 to 22 cubic feet is typically suitable for a family of 4.

What are the drawbacks of a side-by-side refrigerator? 

Some of the drawbacks of side-by-side refrigerators include less space in the freezer section, narrower shelves that can make it difficult to store large items, and higher energy consumption compared to other types of refrigerators.

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